Mættir : Oddgeir, Jói, Sveinbjörn, Jón Örn, Björgvin, Dagur, Rúna Rut, Sigurborg og þeir félagar Ólafur og Baldur frá Icelandair Hotels (prospects).
Til fróðleiks er hér upplýsingar um inngöngu í Hells Angels af wikipedia :
"To become a full member, the Prospect must be voted on by the rest of the full club members. Prior to votes being cast, a Prospect usually travels to every chapter in the sponsoring chapter's geographic jurisdiction and introduces himself to every Full-Patch. This process allows each voting member to become familiar with the subject and to ask any questions of concern prior to the vote. Successful admission usually requires more than a simple majority, and some clubs may reject a Prospect for a single dissenting vote. Some form of formal induction follows, wherein the Prospect affirms his loyalty to the club and its members. The final logo patch (top Hells Angels rocker) is then awarded at this initiation ceremony. The step of attaining full membership can be referred to as "being patched"."
Setning dagsins er fengin frá Jóni Erni eftir hlaup : "Hvaða sturtu má ég nota?"
Dagur, Formaður
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