föstudagur, janúar 28, 2011

Breaking News!

Welcome to the 2011 ASICS Stockholm Marathon!

On 28 January 150 runners from the waiting list were given the opportunity to enter the 2011 ASICS Stockholm Marathon.
You are one of these runners.
If you want to enter the race, please go to: http://registration.marathon.se/Registration.aspx?LanguageCode=en&RaceId=51&CampaignCode=RES1
Only runners who have received this e-mail may enter through this website. Entries from other runners will be rejected.
The deadline for accepting this offer is 15 February.
The entry fee is 103 euro.
You will find information about the 2011 Asics Stockholm Marathon here:

Best regards
ASICS Stockholm Marathon

2 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

Glæsilegt...Oddgeir nú er bara að klára skráninguna og koma með okkur til Stokkhólms...farðu svo að byrja æfa drengur!

Kv. Sigurgeir

Nafnlaus sagði...


...Sigrún nú er bara að klára skráninguna fyrir Oddgeir svo hann geti komið með okkur til ...